

Asia 亚洲 Europe欧洲 Africa非洲 North America北美洲 South America南美洲 Oceania大洋洲 Antarctica南极洲 Pacific Ocean太平洋 Atlantic Ocean大西洋 Indian Ocean印度洋 Arctic Ocean北冰洋



seven continents:Asia(亚洲),Africa(非洲),Europe(欧洲),Oceania(大洋 州),South America(南美洲),North America(北美洲),Antarctica(南极洲) four oceans:the Pacific Ocean (太平洋),the Atlantic (Ocean)(大西洋),the Indian Ocean(印度洋),the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋) 希望能对你有帮助!!!



七大洲四大洋 亚洲:Asia 欧洲:Europe 非洲:Africa 拉丁美洲:Latin America/South America 北美洲:North America 大洋洲:Oceania 南极洲:Antarctica 大西洋:Atlantic Ocean 太平洋:Pacific Ocean 印度洋:Indian Ocean 北冰洋:Arctic Ocean
Asia 亚洲 Europe欧洲 Africa非洲 North America北美洲 South America南美洲 Oceania大洋洲 Antarctica南极洲 Pacific Ocean太平洋 Atlantic Ocean大西洋 Indian Ocean印度洋 Arctic Ocean北冰洋



天啊!七大洲里面并没有澳洲 http://baike.baidu.com/view/142114.htm 七大洲: 亚洲 Asia 非洲 Africa 南美洲 South America 北美洲 North America 欧洲 Europe 大洋洲 Oceania 南极洲 Antarctica 四大洋: 太平洋the Pacific Ocean 大西洋the Atlantic (Ocean) 北冰洋the Arctic Ocean 印度洋the Indian Ocean
七大洲:亚洲Asia 非洲Africa 南美洲South America 北美洲North America 欧洲Europe 澳洲Australia 南极洲Antarctica 四大洋:太平洋the Pacific Ocean 大西洋the Atlantic (Ocean) 北冰洋the Arctic Ocean 印度洋the Indian Ocean
七大洲:亚洲Asia 非洲Africa 南美洲South America 北美洲North America 欧洲Europe 澳洲Australia 南极洲Antarctica 四大洋:太平洋the Pacific Ocean 大西洋the Atlantic (Ocean) 北冰洋the Arctic Ocean 印度洋the Indian Ocean
Four oceans seven continents


七大洲:(按面积从大到小)亚洲4400、非洲3000、北美洲2400,南美洲1800,南极洲1400,欧洲1000、大洋洲900 四大洋:(按面积从大到小)太平洋、大西洋、印度洋、北冰洋 是四大洋才对你听的那个是七大姑八大姨吧??
让我想想,老师是这样讲的:七大洲:1.Asia(亚洲)Africa(非洲) Europe(欧洲) North America(北美洲) South America(南美洲) Oceania(大洋洲) Antarctica(南极洲) 四大洋:the Pacific Ocean(太平洋) Atlantic(大西洋) Indian Ocean(印度洋) the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋)对,就是这样讲的。嘻嘻,对了我这些可是从大到小排列的哦!亲们!
七大洲:Asia(亚洲),Africa(非洲), Europe(欧洲), North America(北美), South America(南美), Oceania(大洋洲), Antarctica(南极洲) 八大洋??四大洋吧...:the Pacific Ocean(太平洋),Atlantic(大西洋),Indian Ocean(印度洋),the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋)
亚洲:Asia,非洲:Africa,北美洲:North America,南美洲:South America,欧洲:Europe,大洋洲:Oceania,南极洲:Antarctica。 太平洋: Pacific Ocean,大西洋:Atlantic Ocean,印度洋:Indian Ocean,北冰洋:Arctic Ocean.
怎样刷QQ会员 超Q和钻


Asia: The area 44 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 29.4%, is the world first big continent. Altogether has 40 countries and the area. The population 3.229 billion, approximately composes the world total population 60%, occupies the first in the world. Africa: The area approximately 30 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 20.2%, is the world second big continent. Altogether has 56 countries and the area. The population 662 million, accounts for the world total population 12.3%, occupies world third. North America: The area approximately 24 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 16.2%, is the world third big continent. Altogether has 37 countries and the area. The population 432 million, approximately composes the world total population 8.1%, occupies world fourth. South America: The area approximately 18 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 12%, is the world fourth big continent. Altogether has 13 countries and the area. The population 302 million, approximately composes the world total population 5.6%, occupies world fifth. Antarctica: The area 14 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 9.4%, is the world five continents. The antarctica only has some to come and catches the whale team from other mainland science inspection personnel, indefinite people. Europe: The area approximately 10 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 6.8%, only is bigger than Oceania, is the world sixth big continent. Altogether has 37 countries and the area. The population 723 million, approximately composes the world total population 13.4%, occupies the second in the world, is a population density biggest continent. Ocean state: The area approximately 9 million square kilometers, approximately compose the world land total area 6%, is in the world a smallest continent. Altogether has 24 countries and the area. The population 27 million, approximately composes the world total population 0.5%, is besides the antarctica, a world population least continent. Therefore only the ocean state

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