

Shopping full five hundred yuan to send boutique gift 购物满五百元送精品礼物
不明白啊 = =!



sharp five hours 时间中整整的是用sharp表示
whole five hours
full five hours 仅供参考,其他的忘了



你可以在英语词典上查f的一栏 有爆多的哈 fish food finish follow fox five fine free four ferry fair fast feet foot father funny...



这里within的用法,意思是“范围内” there is no shop within 3 miles of the house 屋子的三里范围内没有商店 但书上翻译也有错 could not raise - 筹不到,和增长没有关系 to raise the desired amount - 去筹那“需要的/想要的”款项
c... 我希望我的字典放在我能够着的地方。。。 reach n. 区域, 河段, 范围 within my reach 我的范围之内
应该是后面的of the desired amount在作祟吧,跟within的关系不大 of the desired amount 即“理想数额”啊


根据经验应该是问fill与full的区别1.fill 是动词,“填满”“充满”。常用结构为:fill...with(主动句), be filled with..(被动句)2.full是形容词,常用结构:be full of...例如:1) The bottle is full of water.2) The bottle is filled with water.fill 英[f?l] 美[f?l] vt. (使) 充满,(使)装满; vt. 满足; 配药; (按订单) 供应; 使充满(感情); n. 填满…的量; 充分; 装填物; 路堤; [例句]Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。[其他] 第三人称单数:fills 复数:fills 现在分词:filling 过去式:filled过去分词:filled
区别fill——fill的用法:  1、fill 是动词,“填满”“充满”。常用结构为:fill...with(主动句), be filled with..(被动句)  2、一般来说,fill常与介词with连用,表示“把东西放满在……里”,如fill the cup with wine(用酒装满杯子)。要注意fill不表示“把东西放满在……上”,如fill the table with books(把桌子堆满书)这中表达方式是错误的;  3、在英美两国,fill有时可与fulfil表示相同意思,但是现在已不普遍在英国使用。  he filled five engagements that day.  他那天赴了5个约会。  4、fill后可接双宾语。  he filled me a glass of beer.  他给我倒满了一杯啤酒。  5、fill in/up/out都可用来表示“填写(表格)”,而fill单用,或者是fill in/up/out都可用来表示“填写(在空白处)”。  please fill in your name and address.  please fill these blanks.


1. Look for someone to talk(注意,这里因为是找人,所以不能用find,而用look for) 2. Collection of funds for charitable institutions, etc. 3. Several skating forward(估计你是打错了,滑冰者吧?) 4. A full five hours 6. One and a half 7 Tom has been singing for half an hour of songs 8. When did you start to learn English? Three years ago 9 How long you have been at home? All day 10-day long night you sleep? Only four hours 希望我的回答对你有帮助o(∩_∩)o
1. talk with sb 2. collect money for charity organization 3. A few people are skating. 4. Total five hours 6.One and half a year 7. Tome has already sung half an hour. 8. When did you start learning Enghlish? Three years ago. 9. How long have you stayed at home yet? The whole day. 10 How much time did you sleep last night? Only four hours.
1. To find someone to talk 2. Collection of funds for charitable institutions, etc. 3. Several skating forward 4. A full five hours 6. One and a half 7 Tom has been singing for half an hour of songs 8. When did you start to learn English? Three years ago 9 How long you have been at home? All day 10-day long night you sleep? Only four hours

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