




Miranda warning You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.



Miranda Warnings(米兰达警告)  You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.  Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.  If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.  If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.  Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?  1.你有权保持沉默,你对任何一个警察所说的一切都将可能被作为法庭对你不利的证据。  2.你有权利在接受警察询问之前委托律师,e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333330343930他(她)可以陪伴你受讯问的全过程。  3.如果你付不起律师费,只要你愿意,在所有询问之前将免费为你提供一名律师。  4.如果你不愿意回答问题,你在任何时间都可以终止谈话。  5.如果你希望跟你对律师谈话,你可以在任何时间停止回答问题,并且你可以让律师一直伴随你询问的全过程。
宪法要求我告知你以下权利:   1.你有权保持沉默,你对任何一个警察所说的一切都将可能被作为法庭对你不利的证据。   2.你有权利在接受警察询问之前委托律师,他(她)可以陪伴你受讯问的全过程。3.如果你付不起律师费,只要你愿意,在所有询问之前将免费为你提供一名律师。   4.如果你不愿意回答问题,你在任何时间都可以终止谈话。   5.如果你希望跟你对律师谈话,你可以在任何时间停止回答问题,并且你可以让律师一直伴随你询问的全过程



英文原文Miranda Warnings(米兰达警告)You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law.You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?中文翻译“宪法要求我告知你以下权利:1、你有权保持沉默,你对任何一个警察所说的一切都将可能被作为法庭对你不利的证据。2、你有权利在接受警察询问之前委托律师,他(她)可以陪伴你受讯问的全过程。3、如果你付不起律师费,只要你愿意,在所有询问之前将免费为你提供一名律师。4、如果你不愿意回答问题,你在任何时间都可以终止谈话。5、如果你希望跟你的律师谈话,你可以在任何时间停止回答问题,并且你可以让律师一直伴随你询问的全过程。”
:“你有权保持沉默。如果你不保持沉默,那么你所说的一切都能够用来在法庭作为控告你的证据。你有权在受审时请律师在一旁咨询。如果你付不起律师费的话,法庭会为你免费提供律师。你是否完全了解你的上述权利?”这句话就是著名的“米兰达警告”,也称“米兰达告诫”,即犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在被讯问时,有保持沉默和拒绝回答的权利。这一告诫的形成,缘于美国的一个案例。 附:英文翻译Miranda warning You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.

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