1,机械类论文这里有保证过关 09314139021 13893158495

http://www.taolw.com/Mechanical/ 这个页面下都是机械专业的

机械类论文这里有保证过关 09314139021 13893158495


中国机械工程学会 http://www.cmes.org/ 中华工程机械网 www.cnem.com.cn/ 中国工程机械银网 www.cnjxin.com/ 中国工程机械信息网 www.6300.net/ 如果是要为了研究探讨的话最好不要通过网络的形式 因为最近许多大型工程企业的领头 许多人才都是没时间上这些的 如果只剩下一下小门小道 怕有损失



1,不一样。 《中国机械》杂志,是由工经联主管,《中国工业报》主办的一份针对中国机械装备制造业的综合性杂志。以巧妙的设计,丰富的内容涵盖了机械行业的各类信息;《中国机械工程》的前身是创刊于1979年的《湖北机械》,1983年更名为《机械工程》。经原国家科委批准,1990年主办单位变更为中国机械工程学会,同时成为中国机械工程学会会刊。1992年更名为《中国机械工程》,1998年由双月刊改为月刊,2002年改为半月刊。 2. 是核心
。请你查证一下准确刊名《机械工程》期刊不是核心期刊,cnki也未收录。 下面这些是第六版核心期刊 1、排灌机械(改名为:排灌机械工程学报) 2、机械工程材料 3、机械工程学报 4、中国机械工程



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5,Joural of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering怎

该期刊不是sci收录,请不要将其与journal of materials science & technology混淆 journal of materials science & technology才是sci收录,属于中科院杂志分区 材料科学:综合分类下的 3 区期刊 其简介如下: 近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 1.61 1.198 0.738 0.759 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 journal mater sci technol 出版或管理。 issn号:1005-0302 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 this is the premier chinese materials science journal and the first to be published in english. it is sponsored by the chinese society for metals, the chinese materials research society and the international centre for materials physics (chinese academy of sciences). this express journal publishes short, original papers, letters and brief research notes covering a broad spectrum of materials and technology encompassing: metals (ferrous and nonferrous), inorganic nonmetallic materials, organic polymer materials, composite materials. throughout the journal there is an emphasis on the frontiers of advanced materials in terms of properties, constituents, preparation and characterization. this journal is designed for quick publication of research results on the cutting edge of materials science and engineering and is the one chinese journal in this field to monitor regularly.


美国机械工程学会(asme)有这么多分刊:applied mechanics reviews journal of applied mechanics journal of biomechanical engineering journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics journal of computing and information science in engineering journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control journal of electronic packaging journal of energy resources technology journal of engineering for gas turbines and power journal of engineering materials and technology journal of fluids engineering journal of fuel cell science and technology journal of heat transfer journal of manufacturing science and engineering journal of mechanical design journal of mechanisms and robotics journal of medical devices journal of nanotechnology in engineering and medicine journal of offshore mechanics and arctic engineering journal of pressure vessel technology journal of solar energy engineering journal of thermal science and engineering applications journal of tribology journal of turbomachinery journal of vibration and acoustics 英国机械工程学会(imchee)有下列分刊:part a - journal of power and energypart b - journal of engineering manufacturepart c - journal of mechanical engineering sciencepart d - journal of automobile engineeringpart e - journal of process mechanical engineeringpart f - journal of rail and rapid transitpart g - journal of aerospace engineeringpart h - journal of engineering in medicinepart i - journal of systems and control engineeringpart j - journal of engineering tribologypart k - journal of multi-body dynamicspart l - journal of materials design and applicationspart m - journal of engineering for the maritime environmentpart n - journal of nanoengineering and nanosystemspart o - journal of risk and reliabilitypart p - journal of sports engineering and technology

文章TAG:中国机械工程学报  机械类论文这里有保证过关  09314139021  13893158495  