

professional skills 英语加油呀!!努力!!。。。
professional skills or professional techniques



professional knowledge 英 [pr??fe??n?l ?n?lid?] 美 [pr??f???n?l ?nɑl?d?]  【词典】专业知识,专门知识  例句:  He will share his professional knowledge of haircare.  他将和大家分享他在护发方面的专业知识。
专业知识 professional knowledge; [例句]他将和大家分享他在护发方面的专业知识。he will share his professional knowledge of haircare.



expertise 英语解释:Skill or knowledge in a particular area. 汉语解释:专门知识:专门领域的知识或技巧. 例子: Significant advances in knowledge requie expertise from various field.重要的进步需要各个领域的专业知识.
expertise英语解释:Skill or knowledge in a particular area.汉语解释:专门知识:专门领域的知识或技巧.
professional knowledge



笔试的设计的内容比较多,有类似公务员考试的选择题,包括常识(文学历史,也有一两道时事常识),言语理解与表达,逻辑思维,推理题等等;还有计算机的英语,都是选择题;还有教育学和教育心理学知识;最后就是专业知识(语文)的考题。 卷面是百分制的,但专业知识占的比重最大。


The stadium roof truss system is four square pyramid space grid, the main structure is a cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, foundation for pile foundation. Grid using the lower chord supported at four sides, grid node selection of bolt ball node. Frame structure design according to the plate Liang Zhu load transfer route on the frame for loading. Through the different combination of loads, the structure is calculated the force of reinforced concrete, construction plan. Use of bored pile in pile foundation.
The stadium roof truss system for is put four cones rack, main body structure is cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the basis for pile foundation. The network XiaXian stem quadrilateral supporting, network node chooses bolt ball node. Frame structure design calculation according to the board LiangZhuChuan lotus route is to framework are loading. Through the different load combination, calculate the most unfavorable of internal force of the structure is section reinforcement, drawing construction drawings. Pile foundation use bored piles.
这应该是五金行业的吧,你要把一段话或者至少完整的一句话写出来才好翻译的。 当铁板运行到截止点时(在加工如切割等时,我们会设定材料在到达某个点时停止)


貌似有一年英语一考过杜威的哲学专著的翻译啊,2009年全国研究生入学英语考试的翻译试题是一篇有关教育的议论文。文章摘自美国哲学家、教育家杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)的专著Democracy and EducationIt may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience, but this effect is not a part of its original motiveOnly gradually was the by-product of the institution noted. and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution看来每个词认识了不一定能理解意思啊
貌似有一年英语一考过杜威的哲学专著的翻译啊,2009年全国研究生入学英语考试的翻译试题是一篇有关教育的议论文。文章摘自美国哲学家、教育家杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)的专著Democracy and EducationIt may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience, but this effect is not a part of its original motiveOnly gradually was the by-product of the institution noted. and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution看来每个词认识了不一定能理解意思啊
今年的garden的翻译翻得不好,理解了,但是不够信达雅啊本来想把教育学原理 中外教育史再看一遍 再看看这方面的论文 一两本名著什么的 无奈等分等的煎熬 心态不好 至今尚未落实 你怎么打算的
今年的garden的翻译翻得不好,理解了,但是不够信达雅啊想把教育学原理 中外教育史再看一遍 再看看这方面的论文 一两本名著什么的 无奈等分等的煎熬 心态不好 至今尚未落实 你怎么打算的

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