

翻译句子 再翻译选项 代进去就可以选出答案啦



选D,in which=where,如果前面的先行词是“the place”那么就选which。
选B which或that 括号后面是定语,修饰places ,且在从句中做主语
b, which 先行词在从句中作主语,且表物,用which
选B。首先很明显,这是一个定语从句,因此排除C选项(what不能引导定语从句)。然后先行词places在定语从句中作的是主语,因此关系代词应该是that / which.显然,选B



A good friend 是主语,不能yong which,born in或on才对,how和whom说不通,when是表示从我出生的时候的好朋友【感觉也说不过去,也只能这样理解了】,所以只能选when了,望采纳
C。 可以理解。 我们现在这个老师讲过一道题。有些时候可以用when充当引导词。 但是这种情况非常少。
应该是WHERE 选项里没有
应该是where吧 同时where=in which
D which i was born 指我出生的地方 A good friend of mine from which I was born即 我的一个和我同乡的好朋友 A good friend of mine在这里是先行词 用which这个词以及后面得定语从句修饰它
没答案 应该是where或in which



1.You can fly to Japan this moning , ____ you don`t mind changing planes in Hong Kong. A. provided 假如;倘若 B. because C. unless D. so far as 2.You can`t imagine that a well-behave gentleman ____be so rude to a lady. A. might B. need C. should [用于表示惊异、赞叹、不满等的句子中]竟然,竟会: D.would 答案选C 不是虚拟语气 3.-----How can you ____ that he is from the North. -----Simply by his accent A.get to know B. say C.realize D.tell辨别 答案选D 4.If you keep quiet and read your book, child, you ___have my promise___I will bu you a box of choclate. A. are going to, that B will that C shall 一定,必定[用于表示强烈愿望或不可避免性[表示说话者的意图、告诫、威胁、命令、决心等]应该;必须;一定会: that D.are to.which 答案选C .
1.这里的provide是假如的意思,也就是相当于if。句意是:如果你不介意在香港换机,你可以今早飞往英国。 2.你想像不到那么有修养的绅士竟会对一位女士那么粗鲁。 表一种“竟然”的结果,用虚拟。 3.晕。又是这种考单词意思的BT题。这里tell的意思是 分辨出。。得出。。。。 你怎么知道他从北方来?从他的口音。 4.第四题。。语感。。。


我尝试一下,谢谢!1)a ghost加了a是特指鬼这一种类东西,不加a是泛指鬼。所以如果你选择C,那么意思就成了“世界上没有这样(种类)的鬼存在。。。”显然不通。2)C项表示“已经”很久没有下雨了,D项是进行时,无法表达这个意思。3)这里选择A项也不是很准确,应该在had前加which;而如果用C项的话,整句话就没有主语。4)一般的词典把know better than作为固定词组收入。提供的相关汉译是:很懂得(而不至于…);有头脑,明事理(而不至于…),后面加to do。本句意思是“你(不小了),怎么竟然把小妹妹独自留在家里呢。”5)except for是除。。。之外的意思。这道题,主要考察你对句法的理解,前三个选项都有that,但是one old man后面是一个独立的从句,没有任何动词与这个that呼应,所以前三项都不对。『译文』当我从车上下来加入他们中间时,除了一个老头失望地摇着头,大家都欢呼起来。6)选择D项,请看检索资料的第5条解释http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Brains7)选择Once and for all一次了结地, 一劳永逸地8)如果你知道interest除了兴趣之外的另一个意思,全句就好理解了。这里interest是利息的意思。所以make与动词earn相呼应,语法上看,make为使役动词,排除A、C、D,所以选择B9)这个简单,D项不合语法,排除;全句过去时,排除A;C项ought to是能够的意思,放在句中不通顺。10)B项是表语从句,我不是说A不对,如果选A的话,全句就难以解释清楚。B项则很清楚地说明玛丽不高兴是因为不能去参加party。以上,谢谢!这些题也让我受益匪浅。请参考,见笑。
第二句有for a long time,所以要用完成时That fellow is clever; he has——. A. brain B. a brain C. the brain D. brains 这个选什么? DAs the sky grew darker, it became obvious to us that the boys___ to finish the game quickly if they wanted to avoid the storm. A. have B. would have C. ought to have D. having 为什么选B? became表示动作发生在过去, have to解释为不得不Little Marie did not go to the party. I understand that she was unhappy _____. A. so she could not go B. that she could not go 为什么选B不选A? I understand that she could not go because she was unhappy


12.Food that looks good does not _____taste good. A. A. necessarily B. B. completely C. C. occasionally D. D. differently 13. Would you speak louder _____everyone could hear you. A. A. so as to B. B. in case C. C. furthermore D. D. so that 14.The boat turned _____, throwing the boys into the water. A. A. in B. B. around C. C. down D. D. over 15.He made a new _____ to solve the problem, but failed again. A. A. contact B. B. damage C. C. attempt D. D. conquer 16.This is _____ we should always keep in mind. A. A. what B. B. that C. C. one D. D. which 17.If you have worked hard ______, you wont have to sit up all night before exam. A. A. in other time B. B. at other times C. C. all time D. D. by other times 18.I think we should let Mary go camping with her classmates. _____, she is a big girl now. A. A. All in all B. B. By far C. C. After all D. D. All right 19.You ought to spend more of your time on _____ reading. A. A. worth B. B. worthwhile C. C. value D. D. precious 20. Being a sailing _____ long periods of time away from home. A. A. includes B. B. intends C. C. involves D. D. interferes 12.C 表示"相应的". 13.D 表示"以便于" 14.D 表示"翻船" 15.C 表示"尝试" 16.A what作keep in mind 的宾语. 17.C 表示"一直" 18.C 表示"毕竟" 19.B 表示"有意义的" 20.D 表示"意味着".

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